It's very simple, similar to a self-service shop:
When you have found the item you want, just put it into your basket. To do this, click on the shopping basket button which is on the right beside the description of article and the price. (This does not actually order the article; you may remove it from the shopping basket at any time.)
After that you can continue shopping and choosing any number of further articles and put them into the basket. You can check what's currently in your basket at any time by clicking on the shopping basket menu item. As soon as you have finished choosing and all desired articles are in your shopping cart, go on to the checkout. To do so, click on the button of the same name in the shopping basket (lower right). Before that you can check without fuss if you have chosen the right articles and if necessary change the quantity or remove some articles from the shopping basket.
Now you are guided through the further ordering procedure in which you have to fill in your shipping data (Name, Address etc.) as well as the essential data for payment. Your data will be kept strictly confidential of course (further information about data protection can be found here).
At the end all data are displayed again for checking purposes. If everything is all right, you finish your order after confirming that you agree to our general terms and conditions, using the send order. The terms and conditions you can look at here.

The ordering procedure in a nutshell: A few minutes later you will receive an order confirmation via E-mail (provided that you have filled in an E-mail address).

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